Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Day 5


Day 6

This is the pre-departure weighing process at the Machame Gate. Not sure why they do it, porters are supposed to carry 18kg only but they were weighing out loads of up to 30kg!
Still at the gate. Looks like total chaos but it took us a little over an hour to get all the registration and packing up done.   

And the hike begins. This is still on the jeep track and I am being escorted by Simon, one of our porters.
One of our many rest stops. Still in the rainforest where we spent all of the first day.

First night's camping. We camped just as we left the rainforest.
Dinner. The food and service all the way through the trip were impeccable.
Sunset views of Mt Meru.

© Copyright Scott Smith and Renée Pattle

Includes all text and photographs